FAAwait lands on Apple Watch

The new release of FAAwait (version 2.6.1) has a few minor bug fixes and one big new feature: an Apple Watch App!

This is just a first iteration of this feature and hopefully it will improve in the future. We had to wait for the new watchOS 3 to allow the app to perform well enough to release it; the first versions we tried were just too slow. While it still doesn't work quite as cleanly as we would like, it should only improve from here.

We still had to hold back on a feature to allow a delay/airport count on the watch face (similar to the badge on the app itself). While it was technically working, the significant constraints on updates that watchOS demands meant that it could not be updated frequently enough to be consistently useful. Hopefully this will change in the future, and we also may allow it to be activated on an "experimental" basis to get some more real-world feedback. Let us know if this is important to you.

In accordance with the new watchOS design specs, the app does still provide a static watch face complication to allow you to quickly enter the app. This is highly recommended